vineri, 25 decembrie 2009

Crăciun fericit!

Crăciun fericit tuturor, să aveţi parte numai de cadouri frumoase, şi desigur de cadouri dorite, să primiţi în primul rând multă sănătate şi nu în ultimul rând să fiţi fericiţi (nu numai azi, ci mereu)! :*

miercuri, 23 decembrie 2009

Leapşa 4

O leapşă destul de interesantă, leapşa ciudăţeniilor:)), deci o să scriu aici 10 ciudăţenii despre mine:P.

1. Pot să dau sfaturi oricui, dar niciodată mie:P
2. Când fac duş cânt:)), am o voce extraordinară:)) (săracii vecini):(
3. Uneori când casc zic "căcat":))
4. Pentru a mă relaxa stau cu picioarele pe perete
5. Dimineaţa mă împiedic mereu în drumul spre baie:))
6. Îmi place mirosul fumului de maşină
7. Când sunt fericit mă duc în baie şi dansez:)) (pentru a mă vedea în oglindă) :))
8. Inima şi mintea mea întotdeauna au fost duşmani, niciodată nu au avut aceaşi părere:))
9. Nu-mi prea plac dulciurile
10. Aş mânca jeleuri la infinit:))...non-stop :))

Bla`bla`bla astea mi-au trecut prin cap:P... Concluzie sunt un ciudat:))

Le provoc pe Eve şi pe Graţiela:D , să vă văd ciudăţeniile:))

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2009

Prietenie virtuală

un suflet, 2 trupuri. mii de ganduri, sute de visuri, zeci de dorinte. toate le-mpartim la 2. nu ne-am vazut niciodata, dar ne intelegem telepatic. ea traieste in mintea mea, iar eu in a ei. nu pot sa explic, dar avem milioane de lucruri in comun. cuvintele nici nu mai trebuie spuse; noi stim deja. si nici macar nu e vorba de dragoste; e o prietenie atat de frumoasa inchegata intr-un timp atat de scurt. pentru ca ne-am fost aproape neconditionat. pentru ca ne-am ajutat, ne-am ascultat si ne-am inteles. cred ca ne vom fi mereu alaturi de acum inainte. simt ca mi-am gasit sora geamana de care am fost separat la nastere. desi, probabil, nici cu o sora nu as avea o relatie asa stransa.
si pentru ca trebuia sa exprimam cumva ce avem noi, am scris fiecare cate o poezie. ea va posta poezia mea si eu voi posta poezia ei:P.. Aceasta este introducerea ei, dar am ales sa o folosesc si eu, pentru ca nu prea am inspiratie la ora asta, dar cu siguranta daca incercam sa o scriu si eu(intr`o varianta persoanala) suna cam la fel:P

Ai parfum de primăvară,
Eşti mireasma mea de-o vară când,
Într-o seară, te-am ales,
Ca pe un frumos vers,
Ce sufletu-l iubeşte.
Îmi eşti identic şi nu ştiu de mai sunt eu sau eşti doar tu,
Cel care îmi cunoaşte gândul şi-mi ştie şi necunoscutul,
Ce sufletu-l iubeşte.
Cum am facut de ne-am găsit nu-mi amintesc,
Dar nu contează.
E poate o-ntâmplare dubioasă
Sau împlinirea unui vis nebun ce sufletu-l iubeşte.

marți, 8 decembrie 2009


Culoare aromată,
Privire întunecată,
Buze cărnoase,
O dorinţă ascunsă,
Un globuleţ de Crăciun,
O ceaşcă de plăcere.
O minte înecată în regrete,
Un suflet pierdut în agonie,
Dar noi?
Încă departe unul de altul,
Luptătorii dragostei,
Razboinicii destinului,
Prietenii zilei,
Duşmanii nopţii.

duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009


Curcubeu al vieţii de apoi,
Adună-mi forţa în furtuni de nisip
Transmise printr-o aiureală destrămată...
Din vise curbate din dorinţe false
Aruncate parcă într-o viaţă arsă,
Străpunsă de vicii
Furate din concepţii medievale
Trântite într-o esenţă tare.
Ca steaua polară vreau să mor în zori de zi
Şi să renasc ca Pheonixul în noapte
Din cenusă şi regrete carnale.

luni, 23 noiembrie 2009

Leapşa 3

Leapșă primită de la Biencutza mea:X

Sunt ... un suflet priedut în agonie
Aş vrea ... să fiu cel mai bun prieten a lu` Lady Gaga
Păstrez ... tot felul de amintiri dureroase
Mi-aş fi dorit ... să mă fi născut un pic mai devreme
Nu-mi place ... viaţa mea
Mă tem ... de viitor
Aud ... ce nu vreau să aud
Îmi pare rău ... că nu se poate da timpul înapoi, sau înainte
Îmi plac ... momentele în care şochez (în bine)
Nu sunt ... fiţos
Dansez ... mai rar
Cânt.. când sunt fericit
Niciodată... nu sunt 100% fericit
Rar ... călătoresc cu mintea
Plâng când privesc... în trecut, şi-mi amintesc de anumite greşeli
Nu-mi place de mine pentru că... uneori depăşesc măsura
Sunt confuz ... în ceea ce priveşte viitorul (IDEM)
Am nevoie o persoană care să mă înţeleagă în totalitate, nu de mai multe persoane care să mă înţeleagă parţial
Ar trebui dorm mai mult

Leapşa merge mai departe la Edi

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009


Catastrofă inegală şi haos organizat,
O unda cenusie, un oximoron arzând în...
Alb-albastru şi negru roşu,
Că îngerul meu translucid a turbat!
Iar diavolul meu spune "Irelevant",
M-am mutat într-un clişeu
Dar totul e expirat...
Visele ard, coşmarurile cad, iar eu?
Am cazut şi m-am lovit de diagonala secundară.
Când totul părea un divin absolut,
O nebună pierdută în agonie,
Că într-un desert mi-a ars un neuron malefizat.
Claostrofobie, angrofobie,totul se pierde în ochii mei.
Negrul mă vrea,
Dar albul mă ia.

joi, 19 noiembrie 2009


Parfum rafinat de fericire,
Un munte-nalt plin de stele,
Un strigăt dulce de uşurare,
Tot răul dispare printr-o magie trasparent albastră
Cu sunetul perfect de harpă,
Ura e incinerată...
Totul e alb, tu eşti alb, eu sunt alb, soarele e alb
Prezenţa perfecţiunii mă omoară,
Perfecţiunea oglindită într-un amalgam de dulceţi malefizate,
Sau într-un tun de mult uitat,
Pe fetele angelice aruncătoare de zâmbete pure.
Scufundări în plăceri culinare,
Suc de portocale cu pulpă,
Slalom printre arborii de ciocolată,
Cascadă albă,
Divinul absolut, un vis neîntrerupt...
Împuscă-mă pe o stâncă!

luni, 9 noiembrie 2009

Pornografie în cuvinte

Idealuri moi pe pereţii unei camere
Pline de postere pornografice,
Cu ifluenţe bizzare 100% playboy
Cu erecţii spontane.
Valuri de sânge se strâng în adăpostul unicului neuron,
Carne moartă, trezită la realitate,
Gata de o luptă
În care 2 câştigă...
O adunare perversă,
Epuizarea e mai palpitantă.
O scădere efemeră,
Lucrul manual e indubitabil de dificil,
E doar o viaţă de adoleşcent.

duminică, 8 noiembrie 2009

Călătorie prin timp

Curve alese din vise deşarte,
Unghii înfipte în pielea mea transpirată,
Lacrimi de plăcere scurse pe perne moi
Rezultatul unei întâlniri indiferente...
Când ţi-am văzut buzele cafenii
Dar nu le-am putut gusta...
Îţi căutam privirea în grabă
Dar ai plecat prea repede.
Mi-ai alimentat hormonii,
Mi-ai dat speranţe
Erecţie mintală şi inimă în stare flască...

marți, 3 noiembrie 2009

Eve - Tambourine

Am stat 2 ani să găsesc această melodie:))...Şi în sfârşit am găsit-o pe data de 31 octombrie:)))
Iar acum o împart cu voi:P... Cred că mă consideraţi un nebun, da, sunt nebun, după melodia asta:X

miercuri, 28 octombrie 2009


Într-un infern de durere
Cu sentimente arse şi o lumină stinsă într-o infinitate.
Respectul apare odată cu ura,
Cu ochii în flăcări
Cu inima-ngheţată
Cu mintea murdară şi cu gânduri malefice...
O secundă e un an, sau o eternitate?
Lacrimile acum sunt arse
Creând o pătură de fum printre munţii de cenuşă...
Râurile de lavă te înghit într-o inconştienţă negru-roşu.
Singurele sunete sunt venite dintr-un joc orgasmic
Şi strigătul repetat al biciului pe spatele homosexualilor.
Prostituţia e legală... E regina Iadului...
Insulte,bătăi,orgii şi flegme de lavă,
Unghii,coarne şi dinţi de aur
Cu o vrajă perfect neagră...
Acolo totul se-ntoarce
Răul devine divinul absolut,iar puritatea e incinerată.
Iar generaţiile de mici demoni se evaporă
După un Armagedon şi urletele spun disperate:
"Aşteptăm prospături"

luni, 26 octombrie 2009

Teatru... Andy şi Rada

Pe o scenă cu actori muţi,
Cu o magie albă de adulţi
Se joacă un spectacol de cretini
Cu o prostie relativ umană.
Şi totuşi publicul aplaudă
Cu o ambiguitate falsă.
Doar unul se remarcă,
Folosind o vrajă amară,
Vorbindu-le lejer,ochi de sticlă
Sau cu ochiul minţii rătăcite,
Şi totuşi, actorii-l aplaudă...
El se-ncarcă cu plăcerea sa finală
Renunţând la el, devening un păpuşar,
Creând marioneta perfectă...
Un Dumnezeu fictiv cu mâini de ceară,
O metamorfozare în monstrul faimei.
Şi rămâne singur într-un univers sătul,
Plin de fraieri şi fluturi mov
Şi am rămas şi eu, ca simplu cititor,
După un orgasm imaginar şi un viol floral
Citind nimicuri cotidiene,
Arzând o vrajă prost aleasă.
Şi termin o poveste prin a spune:
Dragostea nu are nume!

vineri, 23 octombrie 2009

33 ... Andy şi Diana

O 33? enigmă...
O cafea caldă şi o ţigară,
Un licurici şi o bucată de brânză,
O pătură de ceaţă mintală...
Un univers incandescent în faţa mea,
O voce perversă ce-mi spune "nu",
Dar în acelaşi timp "da".
O privire pătrunzătoare ca o lance...
Dar totuşi ce legătură are 33? irelevant...
Un 33 absolut, un număr perfect rotund,
L-aş citi pe Nietzsche în germană,
Să-ţi elimini vagul din mintea ta murdară,
Să fac dragoste cu o particulă oarecare,
Pe o moleculă de oxigen călare...
O fracţiune de secundă, un vis...
Un coşmar, o realitate relativă, o viaţă scurtă,
O blondă cu ochi de căptioară,
Cu un corp în 33, şi inimă legată
În angrofobia retinei tale,
Sau o orgie relevantă, nimicită-n speranţe
Oglindită în oglindă, pe o oglindă
Care-mi oglindeşte sentimentul oglinzii tale,
Într-o matrice obscură,
Într-un petic de imaginaţie trasă pe o diagonală
Înterminabilă, evocabilă, irevocabilă
Şi totuşi ce caută 33 într-o lume efemeră?
Răspuns: un licurici şi o cafea caldă!
Sau o tigară (acum arsă) şi o bucată de brânză
Lichidă şi prinsă în scrumiera minţii tale,
Ca un câine turbat, scăpat din lanţul vieţii,
Am murit... M-am metamorfozat...
M-ai închis în obscuritatea 33-iului absent,
Dar totuşi este un număr sublim.

miercuri, 21 octombrie 2009


O vraja ajunge să ma dai iar pe spate...
Dar aşa cum ştii numai tu
Cu o ambiguitate continuă
Cu o sursă de inspiraţie prost aleasă
Cu o tonalitate banală...
Cu un sărut încălzit de privirea mea,
Să-mi atingi buzele mele prăfuite
Şi de mult uitate pe faţa o ştearsă de izvoare reci...

Printr-o magie te-aş putea readuce,
Dar regretele şi dezamăgirile mă trag în spate
Mă pun la pământ când zâmbetul răsare.
Vorbele dulci mă dau pe spate,
Dar faptele mă fac să le uit departe...
Să pun totul într-o ţigare
Să o fumez până la epuizare,
Să fumez sentimentele efemere
Şi să dau tot uitării.

Şi dragostea a dispărut

joi, 8 octombrie 2009

Leapşa 2

Nu m-ai prea nimerit aici Eve:))
1. Care este cea mai bună carte citită de tine?
"Tess d`Urbervilles" , mai mult m-a şocat viaţa lui Tess, că mai sunt şi alte cărţi care mi-au plăcut... Toate cărţile pe care le-am citit mi-au plăcut... De obicei dacă nu-mi place nu citesc

2. Ai făcut cadou cărţi?
Nu îmi amintesc să fi făcut asta:P

3. Care este viitorul literaturii?
Mie nu-mi sună prea bine viiorul literaturii, lumea deja a început să citească mai multe reviste de scandal şi ziare (politică mai mult), mai rar lumea citeşte o carte... Mai ales acum cu mass media lumea chiar nu mai are poftă de citit... Să nu mai vorbesc şi de computer şi internet... Şi eu sunt în problemă:))

4. În ce limbi ai citit cărţi?
Păi, am citit în italiană, română şi engleză...

5. Ce cărţi „celebre” nu ţi-au plăcut?

6. Ce ţară a produs cea mai bună literatură?
După părerea mea Anglia

7. Iei notiţe din cărţile pe care le citeşti?

8. Cam câte cărţi ai citit până acum?
Nu ştiu, dar oricum nu sunt foarte multe.

9. Cu ce cărţi ai dormit în braţe de plictiseală?
Cu "Marile Speranţe" , la un moment dat devenise plictisitoare, dar dupaia şi-a revenit:D

10. Ce înseamnă cărţile pentru tine?
O altă lume, un refugiu

11. Care este cea mai scumpă carte pe care ai cumpărat-o?
Nu am cumpărat niciodată eu...De obicei îmi cumpără mama şi bunicu-meo... Sau iau de la bibliotecă, de la alţii...

12. Care este cel mai tare final la o carte citită?
Nu ştiu:D... Nu-mi vine nimic în cap acum

13. Care scriitor te-a influenţat cel mai mult ?
Alexandru Dumas(Tatăl)

14. Cât de repede citeşti o carte?
Nu citesc repede, pentru că vreau să savurez fiecare cuvânt.

15. Poate literatura să schimbe lumea?
Putea, nu mai poate

Vreau să văd părerea lui Edy:D

marți, 6 octombrie 2009

Dragostea din punctul meu de vedere:P

Eu as asocia dragostea cu un sentiment expirat, în ziua de azi ea apare foarte greu iar atunci când apare, dispare imediat. Dupa parerea mea dragostea e ceva relativ.
Dar daca ar fi sa existe cu adevarat, atunci ea cu siguranta apare o singura data în viata, iar atunci va fi decisiva... Daca atunci nu vei reusi sa-ti ti persoana lânga inima ta atunci totul se va sfârsi, inima nu va mai putea iubi niciodata, iar atunci încep si argumentele contra iubirii.
De ce nu sunt eu de acord cu dragostea?
Dragostea aduce numai de suferit, niciodata împliniri, împlinirile sunt pâna la un punct, iar apoi intervine latura cealalta, adica ura. Care si ea parcurge niste etape pâna la faza capitala.Trecând de la o mica cearta la lacrimi, apoi de la o lacrima la suferinta, iar suferind dupa o persoana involuntar ajungi sa urasti acea persoana, pentru ca intervine întrebarea: Daca tine la mine, de ce ma face sa plâng? si raspunsul îl stie toata lumea.
Deci ce rost are sa fiu de acord cu iubirea, din moment ce se vede clar rezultatul unei iubiri.
Aceste concluzii sunt trase de catre un adolescent, de 17 ani , care inevitabil a suferit pâna acum si nu mai are forta sa mai scrie lucruri frumoase despre dragoste, acest copil se numeste Andy.
Cu siguranta conceptia asta o sa mi se schimbe cu trecerea anilor, momentan trebuie sa-mi exprim gândurile prezente, nu cele viitoare, asa ca nu am de gând sa schimb ceva, nici macar la insistentele altora.
Asa ca as prefera sa consider dragostea mai mult o arta placuta sa o citesti, sau sa ti-o imaginezi decât sa fie un sentiment.
Pâna la urma zicem ca iubim sa fim în rând cu ceilalti, toata lumea iubeste, toata lumea stie sentimentu, dar de ce nimeni nu stie sa-i dea o definitie concreta? A iubi e una, a fi obsedat dupa cineva e alta, orgoliul de avea o persoana e altceva, si tot asa. Îti place o persoana la nebunie,gata o iubesc, dar de ce nu se zice "O plac la nebunie,sau sunt obsedat dupa ea" , dar defapt ce face lumea? Da vina imediat pe dragoste, daca ai avea ceva în cap, nu ai mai suferi,pentru ca ai ajunge la concluzia mea, ca dragostea e efemera si toata lumea va fi fericita.

Notepad`ul nu mi`a salvat diacriticele:P, si imi e lene să le scriu din nou;))

sâmbătă, 12 septembrie 2009

99 de lucruri despre mine from Evelyn

1. Sunt Andy
2. Îmi place pizza
3. Sunt vărsător
4. Îmi e frică de mine
5. De obicei râd să nu plâng
6. Îmi e dor de trecut
7. Vreau să ştiu cum e să iubesc
8. Îmi place să glumesc
9. Nu suport oamenii schimbători
10. Sunt de treabă
11. Îmi place muzica
12. Îmi e rău
13. Vreau să fiu vedetă
14. Sunt fals uneori
15. Îmi e dor de Edi
16. Îmi place să ies la cafea cu Eve si Diana... Când sunt impreună
17. Am o prietenă cea mai bună
18. Am avut mulţi prieteni
19. Am fost dezamagit de foarte multe ori
20. Am suferit mult la viaţa mea
21. Încă mai sufăr
22. 22 ianuarie...Ziua mea de naştere
23. Îmi place să sărut
24. Îmi place viaţa
25. Cristina e prietena mea cea mai bună
26. Uneori vreau să mor
27. Îmi place să râd
28. Nu vreau să intru în detalii
29. Mă stresează viitoru meu
30. Am luat locu 2 la balul bobocilor din clasa a9a
31. Nu îmi place scoala...Vreau la facultate
32. Budapesta:X
33. Am mulţi prieteni în Italia
34. Sunt norocos?
35. Sunt foarte nesigur pe mine
36. Vreau să am puteri supranaturale
37. Îmi plac filmele
38. Scurt şi la obiect
39. Îmi place să mi se spună lucrurile direct
40. Nu suport când cineva insistă
41. Mai e mult?
42. Sunt vâlcean, dar nu suport oraşu` asta
43. Sunt cam imatur
44. Sunt semiprost
45. Mă supar greu
46. Am jucat volei
47. Pun suflet repede
48. Îmi place tenisul
49. Îmi place sportul
50. Îmi plac excursiile
51. Îmi place libertatea
52. Fără limite
53. Mama ştie orice despre mine
54. Digimon:X
55. Sunt rasist doar cu moldovenii (Republica Moldova)
56. Am 3 prieteni buni în Italia
57. Sunt schimbător
58. Îmi place să şochez lumea
59. Vreau să fiu mai indiferent
60. Nu am noroc în dragoste
61. Muzica mă calmeaza
62. Îmi e dor de mama
63. Nu am voce
64. Ţin cu Steaua
65. Nu îmi place la şcoală
66. Am început să nu mai am încredere în oameni
67. Îmi place verdele
68. Ştiu italiană
69. Cifra mea preferată e 69
70. Mă uit la handball
71. Îmi place să fac poze(multe, mute poze)
72. Nu suport să fiu presat de timp
73. Vreau să ma duc pe lună
74. A plecat de puţin timp Edi la Sibiu, şi deja îmi e dor de el
75. Evelyn va fi colega mea de bancă
76. Omul la beţie spune adevăru
77. Îmi place să joc tearu
78. Nu suport câinii Ciuaua
79. Vreau să mă mai înalţ 10 cm
80. Mereu întarzii la întâlniri
81. Sunt spontan
82. Nu sunt timid
83. Îmi plac nectarinele
85. Nu suport ciorbele
86. Îmi place să vorbesc la telefon
87. Îmi place la mare
88. Mă oftic că mama nu m-a dat la tennis când eram mic
89. Îmi place să povestesc
90. Vreau la facultate
91. Nu suport sărbătorile şi ziua mea
92. Anul meu de naştere
93. Aş vrea ca toată planeta să vorbească o singură limbă
94. Îmi place să fiu în centru atenţiei
95. Unde scuip nu mai ling
96. Îmi place astrologia
97. Am făcut multe prostii în generală
98. Nu îmi place să fiu certat cu nimeni
99. Îmi place natura

Îi dau ştafeta Graţielei şi Biancăi

joi, 10 septembrie 2009

Keyshia Cole ft P Diddy - Last Night

Last night,
I couldn't even get an answer.
Tried to call,
but my pride wouldn't let me dial.
And I'm sitting here,
with this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.

I know you can hear me
I know you can feel me
I can't live without you
God please make me better
I wish I wasn't the way I am

If I told you once, I told you twice,
you can see it in my eyes.
I'm all cried out,
with nothing to say.
You're everything I wanted to be.
If you could only see,
your heart belongs to me.
I love you so much, I'm yearning for your touch.
Come and set me free,
forever yours I'll be,
baby won't you come and take this pain awayyyyy.

Last night,
I couldn't even get an answer.
Tried to call,
but my pride wouldn't let me dial.
And I'm sitting here,
with this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.

I need you,
and you need me.
This is so plain to see,
and I will never let you go and,
I will always love you so.
I will...
If you could only see,
your heart belongs to me.
I love you so much, I'm yearning for your touch.
Come and set me free,
forever yours I'll be,
baby won't you come and take this pain awayyyyy.

Last night,
I couldn't even get an answer.
Tried to call,
but my pride wouldn't let me dial.
And I'm sitting here,
with this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.

Tell me the words to say,
to make you come back,
and work me like that.
And if it matters I'll rather stay home,
with you I'm never alone.
Don't want to wait till you're gone,
let me be, just don't leave me.

Last night,
I couldn't even get an answer.
Tried to call,
but my pride wouldn't let me dial.
And I'm sitting here,
with this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.

I need you,
and you need me.
This is so plain to see,
and I will never let you go and,
I will always love you so.
I will...
If you could only see,
your heart belongs to me.
I love you so much, I'm yearning for your touch.
Come and set me free,
forever yours I'll be,
baby won't you come and take my pain awayyyyy.

Last night,
I couldn't even get an answer.
Tried to call,
but my pride wouldn't let me dial.
And I'm sitting here,
with this blank expression.
And the way I feel,
I wanna curl up like a child.

I'm so alone I'm soooo lonelyyyyy,

Why don't you pick the phone,
and dial up my number,
and call me a baby,
I'm waiting on you.

Why don't you pick the phone,
and dial up my number,
just call me a baby,
I'm waiting on you.

[Phone dialing and ringing]

Hey waz-up
I've been tryin' to reach you all night
That shit ain't funny not picking up the mutha fucking phone
Better stop fucking playing with a nigga's feelings like that
You know how much I love you though right?
But for them couple of seconds though,
When I couldn't get in touch with you.
I'm ready to come over your house and shoot that mutha fucker up
You better fucking not be there when I get over that house
That's really how it goes down rïght?

miercuri, 9 septembrie 2009

Laura Pausini-Strani Amori

Mi dispiace devo andare via
Ma sapevo che era una bugia
Quanto tempo perso dietro a lui
Che promette e poi non cambia mai
Strani amori mettono nei guai
Ma, in realtŕ, siamo noi

E lo aspetti ad un telefono
Litigando che sai libero
con il cuore nel lo stomaco
Un gomitolo nell’angolo
Lě da sola, dentro un brivido
Ma perch? lui non c’č

E sono strani amori che
Fanno crescere e sorridere
Fra le lacrime
Quante pagine lě da scrivere
Sogni e lividi da dividere
Sono amori che spesso a questa etŕ
Si confondono dentro a quest’anima
Che si interroga senza decidere
Se č un amore che va per noi

E quante notte perse a piangere
Rileggendo quelle lettere
Che non riesci piů a buttare via
Dal labirinto della nostalgia
Grandi amori che finiscono
Ma perch? restano nel cuore

Strani amori che vanno e vengono
Nei pensieri che lě nascondono
Storie vere che ci appartengono
Ma si lasciano come noi

Strani amori fragili
Prigionieri, liberi
Strani amori mettono nei guai
Ma, in realtŕ, siamo noi

Strani amori fragili
Prigionieri, liberi
Strani amori che non sanno vivere
E si perdono dentro noi

Mi dispiace devo andare via
Questa volta l’ho promesso a me
Perch? ho voglia dï un amore vero
Senza te


marți, 8 septembrie 2009

P.Diddy Feat Faith Hill & 112 - I'll Be Missing You

(Yeah... this right hear... goes out to everyone who has lost someone they
truly love)

Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show
I laced the track, you locked the flow
So far from hangin on the block for dough
Notorious, they got to know that
Life ain't always what it seem to be (uh-uh)
Words can't express what you mean to me
Even though you're gone, we still a team
Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream (that's right)
In the future, can't wait to see
If you open up the gates for me
Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-huh)
Try to black it out, but it plays again
When it's real, feelings hard to conceal
Can't imagine all the pain I feel
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living your life, after death

Chorus: Faith Evans
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the days, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you

Verse Two: Puff Daddy
[Puff] I miss you Big
It's kinda hard with you not around (yeah)
Know you in heaven smilin down (eheh)
Watchin us while we pray for you
Every day we pray for you
Til the day we meet again
In my heart is where I'll keep you friend
Memories give me the strength I need (uh-huh) to proceed
Strength I need to believe
My thoughts Big I just can't define (can't define)
Wish I could turn back the hands of time
Us in the 6, shop for new clothes and kicks
You and me taking flicks
Makin hits, stages they receive you on
I still can't believe you're gone (can't believe you're gone)
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living you're life, after death

Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the days, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you

Faith Evans:
Somebody tell me why
One Black Morning
When this life is over
I know
I'll see your face

112 Outro:
Every night I pray, every step I take
Every move I make, every single day
Every night I pray, every step I take
[Puff] Every day that passes
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] Is a day that I get closer
[Puff] To seeing you again
Every night I pray, every step I take
[Puff] We miss you Big... and we won't stop
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] Cause we can't stop... that's right
Every night I pray, every step I take
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] We miss you Big

Faith Evans:
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you

Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you

Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missïng you

Pentru dobictocu de Edi...Care ne-a părăsit:((...Freieru:((...I`ll be missing you hapciucalitule:((

luni, 7 septembrie 2009

Hi-Q - Lose You

You came in a moment, I was alone
You gave me the sun with your eyes
I never let it go, never let it go
You kiss me and tell me you love me so
Forever you`ll be by my side
Never let me go, never let me go

When it`s cold, outside
You just got on by my si-i-ide
Don`t wanna lose you,
Don`t wanna lose you
When it`s cold, outside

How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I never said I love you now,
I`m afraid to lose you, to lose you
How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I`m loving every part of you
Don`t wanna lose you, don`t wanna lose you

Don`t wanna lose you ...

You kiss me and tell me you love me so
Forever you`ll be by my side
Never let me go, never let me go

When it`s cold, outside
You just got on by my si-i-ide
Don`t wanna lose you,
Don`t wanna lose you

How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I never said I love you now,
I`m afraid to lose you, to lose you
How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I`m loving every part of you
Don`t wanna lose you, don`t wanna lose you

(Don`t wanna lose you, lose you,
Lose you, lose you, lose you …)

How will I be whole again?
I will never fall in love this way
I`m lovïng every part of you
Don`t wanna lose you, don`t wanna lose you


sâmbătă, 5 septembrie 2009

Beyonce - Sweet Dreams

Turn the lights on

Every night I rush to my bed
With hopes that maybe I'll get a chance to see you
When I close my eyes
I'm goin' outta my head
Lost in a fairytale
Can you hold my hands and be my guide

Clouds filled with stars cover your skies
and I hope it rains
You're the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream is this

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
My guilty pleasure I ain't goin' no where
Baby long as youre here
I'll be floating on air cause you're my
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you

I mention you when I say my prayers
I wrap you around all of my thoughts
Boy you my temporary high
I wish that when I wake up you're there
So wrap your arms around me for real
And tell me you'll stay by side

Clouds filled with stars cover your skies
and I hope it rains
You're the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream is this

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your loves to good to be true
My guilty pleasure I ain't goin' no where
Baby long as youre here
I'll be floating on air cause you're my
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, dont wanna wake up from you

Tattoo your name across my heart
So if you were made
Not even death can make us part
What kind of dream is this?



vineri, 4 septembrie 2009

Rihanna- Lemme Get that

I got a house, but I need new furniture
Why spend mine, when I can spend yours?
The truth is, I would love you the same
Why complain?
You're buying Gucci, babe

You might see me in the spot
Your boy think I'm hot
So I came up in here to yell what you got
I'm hot like the block
Uh huh you like that
You want to bite that
Uh huh, yeah bite that

They love the young girl
They want to give it to me
Wish I was in a flick
And I ain't talking movies
If you're young
If you're hot, girl
Shake what you got, girl
If you're singing

Let me get that
What you got up in them jeans?
Put it on me
Or get low, babe
Let me get that
You know, five-car garages
Name on your bank account
All day massages
Let me get that
I want to put it on blast
Let me get that
Better slow down, before I make you crash, boy

Get what you want baby
Got what you need
We got the feel
That's the stuff that's for me

I got a house, but I need new furniture
Why spend mine, when I can spend yours?
The truth is, I would love you the same
Why complain?
You're buying Gucci, babe

I'm-a put you on the spot
Keep brushing your knots
I buy me a Benz
You buy me the yacht
A girl need a lot
The girl need some socks
Buns is what I got
Buns is what I got (Get it)

They love the young girl
They want to give it to me
Wish I was in a flick
And I ain't talking movies
If you're young
If you're hot, girl
Shake what you got, girl
If you're singing

Let me get that
What you got up in them jeans?
Put it on me
Or get low, babe
Let me get that
You know, five-car garages
Name on your bank account
All day massages
Let me get that
I want to put it on blast
Let me get that
Better slow down, before I make you crash, boy

Get what you want baby
Got what you need
We got the feel
That's the stuff that's for me

I got a house, but I need new furniture
Why spend mine, when I can spend yours?
The truth is, I would love you the same
Why complain?
You're buying Gucci, babe

Unh, unh-unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh
Unh, unh-unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh
Unh, unh-unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh
Unh, unh-unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh

Boy I know you want my love
Nothing is free in this world
Unless my love is your love
I'm not a gold digger

Let me get that
What you got up in them jeans?
Put it on me
Or get low, babe
Let me get that
You know, five-car garages
Name on your bank account
All day massages
Let me get that
I want to put it on blast
Let me get that
Better slow down, before I make you crash, boy

Get what you want baby
Got what you need
We got the feel
That's the stuff that's for me

I got a house, but I need new furniture
Why spend mine, when I can spend yours?
The truth is, I would love you the same
Why complain?
You're buying Guccï, babe

Unh, unh-unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh
Unh, unh-unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh
Unh, unh-unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh
Unh, unh-unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh

joi, 3 septembrie 2009

Red Hot Chili Peppers- Hump de Bump

40 detectives this week
40 detectives strong
Takin' a stroll down Love Street
Strollin' is that so wrong
Can I get my co-defendant

Hump de bump doop bodu
Bump de hump doop bop
Hump de bump doop bodu

Bump de hump doop bodu
Hump de bump doop bop
Bump de hump doop bodu

Bump bump

Listen to me what I said
Try to get it through your head
A little bit of circumstance
A chance to make out

Livin' in a citadel
It's hard enough to be yourself
Waiting for the bell to toll
And I am wide awake now

Workin' the beat as we speak
Working the belle du monde
Believe in the havoc we wreak
Believin', is that so wrong
Can I get my co-dependent

Must have been a hundred miles
Any of a hundred styles
It's not about the smile you wear
But the way we make out

When I was an all aloner
Nothin' but a two-beach comber
Anybody seen the sky?
I'm wïde awake now

miercuri, 2 septembrie 2009

Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
that tonight's gonna be a good night
that tonight's gonna be a good good night (x4)

Tonight's the night night
Let's live it up
I got my money
Let's spend it up

Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let's get get OFF

I know that we'll have a ball
If we get down
And go out
And just loose it all

I feel stressed out
I wanna let it go
Lets go way out spaced out
and loosing all control

Fill up my cup
Look at her dancing
Just take it off

Let's paint the town
We'll shut it down
Let's burn the roof
And then we'll do it again

Let's Do it (x13)
And live it up

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night (x2)

Tonight's the night
Let's live it up
I got my money
Let's spend it up

Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let's get get OFF

Fill up my cup (Drink)
Mozoltov (La' Chaim)
Look at her dancing (Move it Move it)
Just take it off

Let's paint the town
We'll shut it down
Let's burn the roof
and then we'll do it again

Lets do it (x15)
Let's live it up

Here we come
Here we go
We gotta rock

Easy come
Easy go
Now we on top

Feel the shot
Body rock
Rock it don't stop

Round and round
Up and down
Around the clock

Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday
Friday, Saturday
Saturday to Sunday

Get get get get get with us
You know what we say
Party every day
Pa pa pa Party every day

And I'm feelin
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night

I gotta feeling tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good nïght

Ultima zi de Italia, ultima seara, pe aceaşi bancă din parc cu prietenii mei...Îmi lipsesc foarte mult

marți, 1 septembrie 2009

Nicole Scherzinger - Whatever Happens

If you're the air that I breathe,
Tell me why I'm suffocating
If you're the promise that I keep
Tell me why it's breaking
Don't let go of my hand
I need you to keep holding on
(I need you to keep holding on)

You're the wings, let me fly
Now my altitude is fading
You had me up so high
It's too far, now to face it
This can't be the end
I need you to keep holding on
(I need you to keep holding on)

You been here from the start
And baby, now, you want my heart (heart)
If we let this fall apart
We lose everything

Whatever happens

When this world is closing in
We keep paying for our sins
I can feel the cost of this loving

Whatever happens

If our truth becomes a lie
I don't know how I'll survive
Can't you see me hanging on for life

Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Don't let go of my hand

Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Don't let go of my hand

See my knuckles, still and white
Now I feel my hands slipping
Every day and every night
Think I'm losing grip and
The way inside is becoming too much to hold (too much to hold)

You're my sun, you're my star
Uuh, you're my God given
Let you inside my world
I still want you in it
I need you in my life
And I just can't let you go
(can't let you go)

You been here from the start (start)
And baby, now, you want my heart (heart)
If we let this fall apart
We lose everything

Whatever happens

When this world is closing in
We keep paying for our sins
I can feel the cost of this loving

Whatever happens

If our truth becomes a lie
I don't know how I'll survive
Can't you see me hanging on for life

Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Don't let go of my hand

Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Don't let go of my hand

I'm holding on to a love scene
No matter more
Wanna love this one
Last grip and don't
Lose the chance to find
All that we were living for

I would hold on forever
Paste our love back together
Just promise me
Whatever happens
(Whatever happens)

When this world is closing in
We keep paying for our sins
I can feel the cost of this loving

Whatever happens

If our truth becomes a lie
I don't know how I'll survive
Can't you see me hanging on for life

Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Don't let go of my hand (don't let go)

Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is is
Whatever happens is ïs
Don't let go of my hand

Nu mă mai interesează nimic...Ce fi o fi

luni, 31 august 2009

Daniele Vit - Mentirai

Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai ne ora ne mai

Sono un bastardo, sono testardo
sono un pensiero fisso in testa che non va piu via
so vendicarmi
so come farmi giustizia in questa storia a un passo dall'ipocrisia
se la tua immagine sbiadisce adesso
se è stato solo sesso polvere che scivola via
ma dentro sento il fuoco e brucia adesso
sparisci in un momento e cosi sia

Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai ne ora ne mai

Continui a stringermi, continui a mordermi
continui a stare con un altro mentre stai con me
ma non illuderti non puoi corrompermi
e se mi cerchi non mi trovi e non mi troverai
se la mia immagine sbiadisce adesso
se è stato solo sesso polvere che scivola via
ma dentro senti il fuoco e brucia adesso
sparisco in un momento e cosi sia

Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai ne ora ne mai

Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
Mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai
mentirai, semmai, mentirai
e non mi rivredai ne ora ne mai

O melodie superbă:X...Îmi aminteşte numai de când mă plimba Raihana cu motoru`:))

duminică, 30 august 2009

All Saints - Rock Steady

Years on the run,
Boy I know I can take it
And now that I'm here,
I know you can't stand the waiting boy
Lets say no more games
No messing with the mind
Always room for change
Let's give it one more try
(Come on lets give it a try)

I got my bags packed baby and i'm ready to go
Look at my eyes rock steady and I promise you more
I got My heart back baby and it's skipping a beat
I got my ass in check, checkin' out, I'm ready to feel

It's all good to go
I'm right here for the taking
(oooh ticky ticky ticky)
Don't cross the line
I'll promise you no fakin', boy
(no no no no)
Its all understood
No messing with the rules
(the rules, the rules)
If I let you go
Boy I will be a fool
(What kind of girl wants to be a fool?)

I got my bags packed baby and i'm ready to go
Look at my eyes rock steady and I promise you more
I got My heart back baby and it's skipping a beat
I got my ass in check, checkin' out, I'm ready to feel

Tell me why we act so stupid, the games we're playing (oooh)
If life is the rule then we're heading towards the same thing
You are not worthless with love instead of the fighting (oooh)
Let's get together forever with no more hiding

I got my bags packed baby and i'm ready to go
Look at my eyes rock steady and I promise you more
I got My heart back baby and it's skipping a beat
I got my ass in check, checkin' out, I'm ready to feel

I got my bags packed baby and i'm ready to go
Look at my eyes rock steady and I promise you more
I got My heart back baby and it's skipping a beat
I got my ass in check, checkïn' out, I'm ready to feel

:X:X:X:X:X:X super tare melodia:X

vineri, 28 august 2009

Lily Allen - The Fear

I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don’t care about clever I don’t care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

I’ll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
‘Cuz everyone knows that’s how you get famous
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah I’m on to a winner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear

Life’s about film stars and less about mothers
It’s all about fast cars cussing each other
But it doesn’t matter cause I’m packing plastic
and that’s what makes my life so fucking fantastic

And I am a weapon of massive consumption
and its not my fault it’s how I’m programmed to function
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah we're on to a winner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear

Forget about guns and forget ammunition
Cause I’m killing them all on my own little mission
Now I’m not a saint but I’m not a sinner
Now everything's cool as long as I’m getting thinner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cause I’m beïng taken over by fear

Îmi aminteşte numai de mijloacele de transport din Bucureşti... Când aud melodia asta mă simt în Bucureşti...Cu nimeni alta decât proasta de Cristina:X:X:X

joi, 27 august 2009

Leon Lewis-Run

I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right besïde you dear

miercuri, 26 august 2009

Sinead O'connor - Nothing Compares 2 U

It's been seven hours + fifteen days
since u took your love away
I go out every night + sleep all day
since u took your love away
since u been gone I can do whatever I want
I can see whomever I choose
I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant
but nothing
I said nothing can take away these blues,
'cos nothing compares
nothing compares 2 u

it's been so lonely without u here
like a bird without a song
nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
tell me baby where did I go wrong
I could put my arms around every boy I see
but they'd only remind me of you
I went to the doctor guess what he told me
guess what he told me
he said girl u better have fun
no matter what u do
but he's a fool
'cos nothing compares
nothing compares 2 u

all the flowers that u planted mama
in the back yard
all died when u went away
I know that living with u baby was sometimes hard
but I'm willing to give it another try
'cos nothing compares
nothïng compares 2 u

Nothing compares 2u :(...Adevarat:-<...

marți, 25 august 2009

Kat Deluna - Unstoppable

You can talk all you want but my skin is really thick
I`m the leader of a crowd and my game is really slick
I`m unstoppable
You can talk all you want but my skin is really thick
I`m the leader of a crowd and my game is really slick
I`m unstoppable
[Kat DeLuna]
Said, you ready for tomorrow
When I smash it like a ball in the club
On the news, Ill be rockin like a rockstar
I`m unstoppable
[Lil Wayne]
Weezy F baby, Hello girl I got a black president in a yellow cab
In my red shoes and my swags so sick I need med school
I never make a bad move but I can make her bed move
You like my attitude, aint nobody else at my magnitude
See aint nothing stopping me, I feel like aint nothing after me
Huh, Whatcha talking about Kat?
I ran in a bank and I walked out fat
Yeah and I walk it like I talk but I run this shit, yeah run it like mafia
I`m on the A list cause I`m all
Young Money
You can talk all you want but my skin is really thick
I`m the leader of a crowd and my game is really slick
I`m unstoppable
Said, you ready for tomorrow
When I smash it like a ball in the club
On the news, I`ll be rockin like a rockstar
I`m unstoppable
[Kat DeLuna]
Now shake your body,
Like you got the jungle fever rushing through your veins
We gettin crazy and the club is banging through your brain
When I say jump, you jump, jump is knockin knockin
I wanna see you jump like this beat is rockin
You cant ride my bracelet, kinda fancy but its hot
You wanna come along and see and holler at me
Maybe I lost it, maybe not cause I got game
Like a burning flame, yeah that`s me, uh huh
You can talk all you want but my skin is really thick
I`m the leader of a crowd and my game is really slick
I`m unstoppable
You can talk all you want but my skin is really thick
I`m the leader of a crowd and my game is really slick
I`m unstoppable
Said, you ready for tomorrow
When I smash it like a ball in the club
On the news, Ill be rockin like a rockstar
Im unstoppable
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, follow the leader
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, follow the leader
Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, follow the leader
You can talk all you want but my skin is really thick
I`m the leader of a crowd and my game is really slick
I`m unstoppable
Said, you ready for tomorrow
When I smash it like a ball in the club
On the news, Ill be rockin lïke a rockstar
I`m unstoppable

Superba melodie. Mă cam reprezintă;;) atunci când am un scop, I`m unstoppable:D

luni, 24 august 2009

Celine Dion-I am Alive song

I get wings to fly... Oh-oh
I'm alive... yeah.. yeah

When you call for me
When I hear you breath
I get wings to fly...
I feel that I'm alive

When you look at me
I can touch the sky
I know that
I'm alive

Ohh... Ooh.... alive

When you blessed the day
I just drift away
All my world is right
I'm glad that I'm alive

You set my heart on fire
Filled me with love
Made me a woman
I'm glad you're back

I couldn't get much higher
My spirit takes flight
(My spirit takes flight)
Because I'm alive
(Because I'm alive)

Ooh... never bound

(When you call on me)
When you call on me
(When I hear you breathe)
When I hear you breathe
(I get wings to fly...)
I feel that I'm alive

Oh yeah, I'm alive.

(When you reach for me)
When you reach for me
(Erases fear inside)
Loves knows that

That I'll be the one standing by
Through good and through tiring times
And it's only begun
I can't wait for the rest of my life

(When you call for me)
When you call on me
(When you reach for me)
When you reach for me
(I get wings to fly...)
(I feel that...)

(When you blessed the day)
When you blessed, you blessed the day
(I just drift away)
I just drift away
(All my world is dark)
I know that... I'm alive


I get wings to fly
God knows that I'm alïve...

Ieri mi-am cumpărat un mp3 și aceasta era melodia de pe mp3...Superbă melodie, era una din preferatele mele acum ceva timp în urma

duminică, 23 august 2009

Total Touch-Somebody Else`s Lover

I will never never give my love to somebody else's lover
Just didn't wanna hear your lies, but first I had to discover
I forgot to look in your eyes and now I have to suffer
No, I will never ever fall in love with somebody else's lover
Somebody help me
Somebody teach me
Somebody tell me what to do
How should I handle you
I may be heartless
To feel so endearious
I've given the matter you come to,
The reason and know for sure that
Why did you deceive me
You say you didn't want to hurt me
But why then did you hold me tight
You knew it would break me
Why is it that I've chosen the wrong way
Which then brought me to you
But now that I've been there
I should have know better and
I will never never give my soul to somebody else's lover
How could I believe it, fallen for your lies
I know for sure that I will look in your eyes
More than a moment
I will ignore my deepest feelings inside
No I will never
(Give my love to somebody else's lover)
Just didn't believe in your lies
(But first I had to discover)
Forgot to look in your eyes
And now I have to whoaoaoa
(No, I will never ever fall in love wïth somebody else's lover)
(Somebody else's lover (3x))
Somebody else's lover

Nu e videoclipul oficial:((...Important e să fie melodia:X...

sâmbătă, 22 august 2009

Youssou N'Dour featuring Neneh Cherry-Seven Seconds

Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni mane
Khamouma li neka thi sama souf ak thi guinaw
Beugouma kouma khol oaldine yaw li neka si yaw
mo ne si man, li ne si mane moye dilene diapale

Roughneck and rudeness,
We should be using, on the ones who practice wicked charms

For the sword and the stone
Bad to the bone
Battle is not over
Even when it's won
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin is living in

It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting

J'assume les raisons qui nous poussent de changer tout,
J'aimerais qu'on oublie leur couleur pour qu'ils esperent
Beaucoup de sentiments de race qui font qu'ils desesperent
Je veux les portes grandements ouvertes,
Des amis pour parler de leur peine, de leur joie
Pour qu'ils leur filent des infos qui ne divisent pas
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin is living in
And there's a million voices
And there's a million voices
To tell you what she should be thinking
So you better sober up for just a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away

Just as long as I stay
I'll be waitïng

:X:X:X Melodia care`mi aminteşte de călătoriile de la Bucureşti cu Cristina =))

vineri, 21 august 2009

Usher-U Got It Bad

Oh, no, no, no, no, no...

When you feel it in your body
You found somebody who makes you change your ways
Like hanging with your crew
Said you act like you're ready
But you don't really know
And everything in your past - you wanna let it go

I've been there, done it, fucked around
After all that - this is what I found
Nobody wants to be alone
If you're touched by the words in this song
Then baby...

U got, u got it bad
When you're on the phone
Hang up and you call right back
U got, u got it bad
If you miss a day without your friend
Your whole life's off track
You know you got it bad when you're stuck in the house
You don't wanna have fun
It's all you think about
U got it bad when you're out with someone
But you keep on thinkin' bout somebody else
U got it bad

When you say that you love 'em
And you really know
Everything that used to matter, don't matter no more
Like my money, all my cars
(You can have it all back)
Flowers, cards and candy
(I do it just cause I'm...)
Said I'm fortunate to have you girl
I want you to know
I really adore you
All my people who know what's going on
Look at your mate, help me sing my song
Tell her I'm your man, you're my girl
I'm gonna tell it to the whole wide world
Ladies say I'm your girl, you're my man
Promise to love you the best I can

See I've been there, done it, fucked around
After all that - this is what I found
Everyone of y'all are just like me
It's too bad that you can't see
That you got it bad...hey

U got, u got it bad
When you're on the phone
Hang up and you call right back
U got, u got it bad
If you miss a day without your friend
Your whole life's off track
You know you got it bad when you're stuck in the house
You don't wanna have fun
It's all you think about
U got it bad when you're out with someone
But you keep on thinkin' bout somebody else
U got it bad


U got, u got it bad
When you're on the phone
Hang up and you call right back
U got, u got it bad
If you miss a day without your friend
Your whole life's off track
You know you got it bad when you're stuck in the house
You don't wanna have fun
It's all you think about
U got it bad when you're out with someone
But you keep on thinkin' bout somebody else
U got ït bad

joi, 20 august 2009

Will Smith-Men in Black

Here come the Men in Black
It's the M.I.B.'s, uhh, here come the M.I.B.'s
Here come the Men in Black
They won't let you remember
Nah nah nah

The good guys dress in black remember that
Just in case we ever face to face and make contact
The title held by me -- M.I.B.
Means what you think you saw, you did not see
So don't blink be what was there
is now gone, black suit with the black Ray Ban's on
Walk in shadow, move in silence
Guard against extra-terrestrial violence
But yo we ain't on no government list
We straight don't exist, no names and no figerprints
Saw somethin strange, watch your back
Cause you never quite know where the M.I.B.'s is at
Uh and...

Here come the Men in Black (Men in Blaaaaack)
Galaxy defenders (oahhaooohh ohhhhh)
Here come the Men in Black (Men in Blaaaaack)
They won't let you remember

Uh uh, uh uh, now
from the deepest of the darkest of night
on the horizon, bright light enters sight tight
Cameras zoom, on the impending doom
But then like BOOM black suits fill the room up
With the quickness talk with the witnesses
Hypnotizer, neuralizer
Vivid memories turn to fantasies
Ain't no M.I.B.'s, can I please
do what we say that's the way we kick it
Yaknahmean? I see my noisy cricket get wicked on ya
We're your first, last and only line of defense
against the worst scum of the universe
So don't fear us, cheer us
If you ever get near us, don't jeer us, we're the fearless
M.I.B.'s, freezin up all the flack
(What's that stand for?) Men In Black

Uhh M
The Men in Black...
The Men in Black

Let me see ya just bounce it with me, just bounce with me
Just bounce it with me c'mon
Let me see ya just slide with me, just slide with me
Just slide with me c'mon
Let me see ya take a walk with me, just walk it with me
Take a walk with me c'mon
And make your neck work
Now freeze...

Here come the Men in Black (Men in Blaaaaack)
The galaxy defenders
Right on, right on
Here come the Men in Black (Men in Blaaaaack)
They won't let you rememberk (ohhhh nooooo)

Alright check it, let me tell you this in closin
I know we might seem imposin
But trust me if we ever show in your section
Believe me, it's for your own protection
Cause we see things that you need not see
And we be places that you need not be
So go witcha life, forget that Roswell crap
Show love to the black suit, cause that's the Men in
That's the Men in...

Here come the Men in Black (here they comeeeee)
The galaxy defenders (ga-la-xy de-fenders)
Here come the Men in Black (ohhhh here they come)
They won't let you remember (won't, let you, rememberrrr)
Here come the Men in Black (ohhhh here they come)
Galaxy defenders (ohh ohh, ohh ohh, ohh ohh)
Here come the Men ïn Black
They won't let you remember

Îmi era dor de melodia asta:X:X:X...Mi-a făcut ziua mai frumoasă;;)

miercuri, 19 august 2009

Nomadi-Io Voglio Vivere

Forse scorre dentro il silenzio il senso
E il profilo della vita è tra le cose
E anche il buio serve ad immaginare
La ragione che ci invita a provare
So che può far bene anche gridare
Per riscattare l'anima dal torpore
So che ad ingannarmi non è l'amore
Perché voglio amare

Io voglio vivere, ma sulla pelle mia
Io voglio amare a farmi male, voglio morire di te...
Io voglio vivere, ma sulla pelle mia
Io voglio amare e farmi male, voglio morire di te...

Contro il mio equilibrio sempre un po' precario
Libero l'istinto, ciò che mi sostiene
Emozione nuova senza nome
La ragione che ci invita a continuare
Per questo problema non ho soluzione
Io mi sento vittima e carceriere
So che ad ingannarmi non è l'amore
Perché voglio amare

Io voglio vivere, ma sulla pelle mia
Io voglio amare e farmi male, voglio morire di te...
Io voglio vivere, ma sulla pelle mia
Io voglio amare e farmi male, voglio morire di te...
Io voglio vivere, ma sulla pelle mia
Io voglio amare e farmi male, voglio morire di te...

Forse la coscienza, il senso della vita
Sta in mezzo a mille notti o forse più
Non servirà a tradire semplicemente amare
Qualsiasi cosa che ti dà di più

Io voglio vivere, ma sulla pelle mia
Io voglio amare e farmi male, voglio morire di te...
Io voglio vivere, ma sulla pelle mia
Io voglio amare e farmi male, voglio morire di te...

O melodie care mi-a fost dedicată...De către două prietene apropiate...Monica şi Raihanna

marți, 18 august 2009

Michael Jackson - Black or White

Black Or White
Michael Jackson
I took my baby on a Saturday bang
Boy is that girl with you
Yes we're one and the same
Now I believe in miracles
And a miracle has happened tonight
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby
It don't matter if you're black or white
They print my message in the Saturday Sun
I had to tell them I ain't second to none
And I told about equality and it's true
Either you're wrong or you're right
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby
It don't matter if you're black or white
I am tired of this devil
I am tired of this stuff
I am tired of this business
Sew when the going gets rough
I ain't scared of your brother
I ain's scared of no sheets
I ain't scared of nobody
Girl when the goin' gets mean
For gangs, clubs, and nations
causing grief in human relations
It's a turf war on a global scale
I'd rather hear both sides of the tale
See, it's not about races
Just places
Where your blood comes from
Is were your space is
I've seen the bright get duller
I'm not going to spend my life being a color
Don't tell me you agree with me
When I saw you kicking dirt in my eye
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby
It don't matter if you're black or white
I said if you're thinkin' of being my baby
It don't matter if you're black or white
I said if you're thinkin' of being my brother
It don't matter if you're black or white
Ooh, ooh
Yea, yea, yea now
Ooh, ooh
Yea, yea, yea now
It's black, it's white
It's tough for them to get by
It's black, it's whïte, whoo

For Michael Jackson...Preferatu mamei mele...Deci vreau să îi dedic melodia asta mamei mele:D

luni, 17 august 2009

Christina Aguilera-Dirty

Too dirrty to clean my act up
If you ain’t dirrty... you ain’t here to party!

Ladies move, gentlemen move
Somebody ring the alarm
A fire on the roof
Ring the alarm (and I’m throwin elbows)
I said ring the alarm (and I’m throwin elbows)
Ring the alarm (and I’m throwin elbows)

Ooh, I’m overdue
Gimme some room, I’m comin’ through
Paid my dues, I’m in the mood
Me and my girls gonna shake the room
Dj’s spinnin (show your hands)
And let’s get dirrty (that’s my jam)
I need that ... to get me off
Sweatin’ till my clothes come off

It’s explosive, speakers are thumpin’
Still jumpin’, 6 in the morning
Table dancin’, glasses are crashin’
No question, time for some action!

Temperature’s up (can you feel it? )
’bout to erupt (so get)
Gonna get my girls
Get your boys
Gonna make some noise...

Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty
It’s about time that I came to start the party
Sweat drippin’ over my body
Dancin’ gettin’ just a little naughty
Wanna get dirrty
It’s about time for my arrival

Ahh, heat is up
So ladies, fellas, drop your cups
Body’s hot from front to back
Move your ass, I like that

Tight hip huggers (low fo’ sho’)
Shake a little somethin’ (on the floor)
I need that ... to get me off
Sweatin’ till my clothes come off

Let’s get open, cause a commotion
We’re still goin’, 8 in the morning
There’s no stoppin’, we keep it poppin’
Hard rockin’, everyone’s talkin’

Be all you got (give it to me)
Just hit the spot
Gonna get my girls
Get your boys
Gonna make some noise...

Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty
It’s about time that I came to start the party
Sweat drippin’ over my body
Dancin’ gettin’ just a little naughty
Wanna get dirrty
It’s about time for my arrival

Here it comes
It’s the one you been waitin’ on
Get up, get it up
Yo, that’s what’s up
Givin’ just what you want to the maximum
Uh oh
Here we go

You can tell when the music starts to drop
That’s when we take it to the parking lot
And I betcha somebody’s gonna call the cops
Uh oh’s, here we go’s
Ohh... yeahh...

Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty
It’s about time that I came to start the party
Sweat drippin’ over my body
Dancin’ gettin’ just a little naughty
Wanna get dirrty
It’s about time for my arrival

Gonna get rowdy
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty
It’s about time that I came to start the party
Sweat drippin’ over my body
Dancin’ gettin’ just a little naughty
Wanna get dirrty
It’s about time for my arrival

Wanna get rowdy
Let’s get a little unruly
Wanna get dressed in a hurry
Let’s get dirrty
It’s about time that I came to start the party
Let’s get a little unruly
Wanna get dressed in a hurry
Let’s get dirrty
It’s about time for my arrïval

Îmi aminteşte numai de minunata maşină a lu` Christian... De fiecare dată când porneşte maşina, ascultăm melodia asta:X:X:X... Imnu nostru :))...

duminică, 16 august 2009


Dangerous feelings break out my soul
It's just the meaning of being alone
I need you here wherever you are
I need you now to take me so far
I wanna run like the speed of the sound
I was somewhere , I 'm sure you're around
You give me now the meaning of life...

With you I'm feeling alive

Why you're lookin' like that
I'm burning like fire
I wanna be higher
Just let me know
Why you're lookin' like that
You're driving me crazy
You're lookin' amazïng

2x Refren

Una din melodiile mele de suflet... :X:X:X...Prietenii ştiu de ce;;):))

sâmbătă, 15 august 2009

vineri, 14 august 2009

Lily Allen-Not fair

Oh he treats me with respect,
He says he loves me all the time,
He calls me 15 times a day,
He likes to make sure that im fine,
You know I've never met a man,
Whose made me feel quite so secure,
He's not like all them other boys,
They're all so dumb and immature.

There's just one thing,
That's getting in the way,
When we go up to bed your just no good,
Its such a shame,
I look into your eyes,
I want to get to know you,
And then you make this noise,
And it's apprante its all over.

Its not fair,
And I think your really mean,
I think your really mean,
I think your really mean.

Oh your supposed to care,
But you never make me scream,
You never make me scream.

Oh it's not fair,
And it's really not ok,
It's really not ok,
It's realy not ok.

Oh your supposed to care,
But all you do is take,
Yeah all you do is take.

Oh I lie here in the wet patch,
In the middle of the bed,
I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by,
I spent ages giving head.

Then I remember all the nice things,
That you ever said to me,
Maybe im just over reacting,
Maybe your the one for me.

There's just one thing,
That's getting in the way,
When we go up to bed your just no good,
Its such a shame,
I look into your eyes,
I want to get to know you,
And then you make this noise,
And it's apprante its all over.

Its not fair,
And I think your really mean,
I think your really mean,
I think your really mean.

Oh your supposed to care,
But you never make me scream,
You never make me scream.

Oh it's not fair,
And it's really not ok,
It's really not ok,
It's realy not ok.

Oh your supposed to care,
But all you do is take,
Yeah all you do is take.

There's just one thing,
That's getting in the way,
When we go up to bed your just no good,
Its such a shame.
I look into your eyes,
I want to get to know you,
And then you make this noise,
And it's apprante its all over.

Its not fair,
And I think your really mean,
I think your really mean,
I think your really mean.

Oh your supposed to care,
But you never make me scream,
You never make me scream.

Oh it's not fair,
And it's really not ok,
It's really not ok,
It's realy not ok.

Oh your supposed to care,
But all you do is take,
Yeah all you do ïs take.

joi, 13 august 2009


D.J., put a record on
I wanna dance with my baby

Do you like to boogie-woogie
Do you like to boogie-woogie
Do you like to boogie-woogie
Do you like my Acid Rock

Hey Mister D.J. put a record on
I wanna dance with my baby
And when the music starts
I never wanna stop
It's gonna drive me crazy



Music makes the people come together [never gonna stop]
Music makes the bourgeoisie and the rebels [never gonna stop]

Think of yesterday and I don't look at the clock
I like to boogie-woogie, uh, uh
It's like ridin' on the wind
And it never goes away
Touches everything I'm in
Got to have it every day


Hey Mister D.J.

Do you like to boogie-woogie
Do you like to boogie-woogie
Do you like to boogie-woogie
Do you like my Acid Rock

Hey Mister D.J. put a record on
I wanna dance with my baby
And when the music starts
I never wanna stop
It's gonna drïve me crazy

Uh, uh, uh

(chorus, repeat)

miercuri, 12 august 2009

Inga and Anush Arshakyans-Jan Jan


How can I stay when you are away?
What can I say if you gonna tell me nothing?
How can I smile when you are alone?
How can I be without me?
Without me we cannot be

Can’t ya see, we aren’t free?
Fixed like a tree to the holy ground
With my sound, gotta be always around
I wanna dance, don’t you stand, sister give your hand

Everybody, move your body, we are dancing նոր պար (nor par)
Everybody, must be ready, jumping up with the նոր պար (nor par)
Everybody, move your body, we are dancing նոր պար (nor par)
Everybody, must be ready, jumping up with the նոր պար (nor par)

Պար գարունքի, պար ծաղկունքի (Par garunki, par tsaghkunki)
Մեծ հույսերի, նոր կյանքի նոր պար (Mets huyseri, nor kyanqi nor par)
Պարը փառքի, թող հոգին գովերգի (Pare parqi, togh hogin govergi)
Մեր լեռների, ձորերի պարը չի մարի (Mer lerneri, dzoreri pare chi mari)

Հեյ, արի պարը պարենք, արի արի, ջան ջան (Hey, ari pary parenk, ari ari, jan jan)
Հայ պարերին, ջան ասենք, արի յար, արի, ջան ջան (Hay parerin, jan asenq, ari yar, ari, jan jan)
Հեյ, արի պարը պարենք, արի արի, ջան ջան (Hey, ari pary parenk, ari ari, jan jan)
Հայ պարերին, ջան ասենք, արի յար, արի, ջան ջան (Hay parerin, jan asenq, ari yar, ari, jan jan)

Jumping up
Jumpin’ up with the նոր պար (nor par)

Jane jane dari darida…
Fari dari a pari dan deri da…
Taktuk taktuk taktuk taktuk taktuk taktuk…
Tak digdig da digdig tak digdig da…
Ombombe… dednde dednde dednde dednde dednda…

Nor par – dududududu
Nor par – dududududu
Let the music make you raise your hand
Sister, here we go

Everybody, move your body – նոր պար, նոր պար (nor par, nor par)
Everybody, must be ready, jumping up

Everybody, move your body, we are dancing նոր պար (nor par)
Everybody, must be ready, jumping up with the նոր պար (nor par)
Jumping up, move your body, we are dancing նոր պար (nor par)
Everybody, must be ready, jumping up wïth the նոր պար (nor par)

This song is for Rada:X:X:X... Jan Jan:X:X:X

Şi Cristina, îmi amintesc, când într-o seară s-a îmbrăcat într-un costum oriental acasă la ea... şi a făcut o coregrafie pe melodia asta... :X

marți, 11 august 2009

Kayne West-Heartless

In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless..
How could you be so heartless?
Oh.. How could you be so heartless?

[Verse 1]
How could you be so, cold as the winter wind when it breeze, yo
Just remember that you talkin' to me though
You know need to watch the way you talkin' to me, yo
I mean after all the things that we've been through
I mean after all the things we got into
Hey yo, I know of some things that you ain't told me
Hey yo, I did some things but that's the old me
And now you wanna get me back and you gon' show me
So you walk around like you don't know me
You got a new friend, well I got homies
But in the end it's still so lonely

In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless..
How could you be so heartless?
Oh.. How could you be so heartless?

[Verse 2]
How could be so Dr. Evil, you bringin' out a side of me that I dont know..
I decided we weren't gon' speak so
Why we up 3 A.M. on the phone
Why does she be so mad at me fo'
Homie I dont know, she's hot and cold
I won't stop, I won't mess my groove up
'Cause I already know how this thing go
You run and tell your friends that you're leaving me
They say that they don't see what you see in me
You wait a couple months then you gon' see
You'll never find nobody better than me

In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul to a woman so heartless..
How could you be so heartless?
Oh.. How could you be so heartless?

[Verse 3]
Talkin', talkin', talkin', talk
Baby let's just knock it off
They don't know what we been through
They don't know 'bout me and you
So I got something new to see
And you just gon' keep hatin' me
And we just gon' be enemies
I know you can't believe
I could just leave it wrong
And you can't make it right
I'm gon' take off tonight
Into the night...

In the night, I hear 'em talk,
the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost hïs soul to a woman so heartless..
How could you be so heartless?
Oh.. How could you be so heartless?

Melodia preferată a lui Cry... Şi acum a început să-mi placă şi mie această melodie:D